Wednesday, May 30, 2012

PG TRB 2012 Keys & Solutions.

PG TRB 2012 keys and answers of Education & GK:

Rousseau's Educational Philosophy is                                                              - Negative education

Mahila Samakhya is a plan for the development of                                           - Women

Viswabharathi is located at                                                                              - West Bengal

Who is related to freedom in learning situation?                                                - Krishnamoorthy

Which media is suitable for distance education                                                 - Television

The book "Education of Man" is written by                                                      - Froebel

Open university was started in England on                                                        - 1969

Mobile school was first recommended by                                                         - McDonald

Who said 'Education is related to life'?                                                              - Gandhi

Span of vision is measured by                                                                           - Tachistoscope

Which theory of intelligence was supported by Alfred benet                               - Single factor

Psychoanalytic approach of personality was first introduced by                          - Freud

In Gagne's hierarchy learning has been divided into                                            - 8 types

How many chromosomes are there in human body?                                           - 46

When learnt material is reproduced without any manipulation, it is called             - whole memory

Non-verbal test of intelligence is suitable for                                                       - all of them

The book "Theory of Motivation" is written by                                                   - Maslow

Wechsler developed an intelligence test for children in the year                           - 1949

The UNESCO had supported the proposal of                                                   - education for all

Which district has the lowest density of population in Tamilnadu?                       - Perambalur

Which country started experiments in Distance Education in the year 1873?       - USA

Child Labour Eradication Day is held on                                                            - June 12

Which is called formal agency of Education?                                                      - School

Pace setting school is renamed as                                                                      - Navodaya school.

How many open schools are there in Tamilnadu?                                               - 25

Functional Literacy Programme had been started for                                          - farmers

National Policy on Education was adopted in the year                                       - 1986

In which level, Mahila Mandals are organised for adult education?                     - Village level

India won World Cup Hockey in the year                                                         - 1975

The full form of NABARD is                                                                             - National Bank for
                                                                                                                           Agriculture & Rural

The seaport of Pandiyas was                                                                             - Korkai

Who wrote the book "Gora"?                                                                            - Rabindranath Tagore

The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions is               - Priyadarshi

 Which of the following provided the revenue for the Delhi Sultanate?                  - Kharaj

The common refrigerant in domestic refrigerator is                                               - Freon-12

The present Secretary General of the United Nations Organisation is                    - Ban Ki-moon

The Constitution of India came into force on                                                        - 26th January, 1950

The President of India can nominate how many members to Rajya Sabha?           - 12

Note: Candidate are remained that final PG TRB keys will be Published by 
           Teachers Requirement Board.                           


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